Along with Dr. Thomas Widiger, I have developed several measures of personality that are freely available for research and clinical assessment purposes.
You do not need our permission to use the measures for research or practice.
We are happy to have the measures translated. Please contact me regarding your interest. Current translations are listed below with the measures.
Completed or in-progress translations:
1. Spanish
2. Polish
3. Italian
4. Danish
5. Persian/Farsi
6. Slovak
7. Portuguese
8. German
9. French
10. Brazilian Portuguese
11. Norwegian
12. Indonesian
13. Arabic
14. Dutch
15. Turkish
16. Lithuanian
17. Serbian
18. Hungarian
19. Slovene
20. Chinese
21. Hindi
Personality Inventory for ICD-11
The PiCD is a 60-item, five-domain measure of the five maladaptive personality trait domains included in the World Health Organization's International Classification of Diseases -- 11th edition.
Download the PiCD here.
Initial validation papers:
Oltmanns, J. R., & Widiger, T. A. (2021). The self- and informant-report personality inventories for ICD-11: Agreement, structure, and relations with health, social, and satisfaction variables in older adults. Psychological Assessment, 33, 300-310.
Oltmanns, J. R., & Widiger, T. A. (2019). Evaluating the assessment of the ICD-11 personality disorder diagnostic system. Psychological Assessment, 31, 674-684.
Five-Factor Inventory for ICD-11
This is a 121-item, 5-domain, 20-fact, 43-nuance measure of the 5 maladaptive personality trait domains included in the World Health Organization's International Classification of Diseases -- 11th edition.
Download the FFiCD here.
Initial validation papers:
Oltmanns, J. R. & Widiger, T. A. (2020). The Five-Factor Personality Inventory for ICD-11: A facet-level assessment of the ICD-11 trait model. Psychological Assessment, 32, 60-71.
Completed or in-progress translations:
1. International French
2. Polish
3. German
4. Danish
5. Farsi
6. Hindi
7. Kannada
8. Telugu
9. Serbian
Completed or in-progress translations:
1. Spanish
2. Dutch
3. German
4. Persian
5. Danish
6. Hungarian
7. Mandarin Chinese
8. Hindi
9. Kannada
10. Telugu
Borderline Pattern Specifier
This is a 12-item, four domain measure of the borderline pattern specifier from the WHO's ICD-11 personality disorder model.
Initial validation papers:
Citation 1
Citation 2
FLUX scales
This is a XX-item measure of fluctuation between narcissistic grandiosity and narcissistic vulnerability.
Initial validation papers:
Oltmanns, J. R., & Widiger, T. A. (2018). Assessment of fluctuation between grandiose and vulnerable narcissism: Development and initial validation of the FLUX scales. Psychological Assessment, 30, 1612-1634.
Edershile, E. A., Oltmanns, J. R., Widiger, T. A., Wright, A. G. C. (2021). Predicting fluctuation in narcissistic states: An examination of the g-FLUX scale. Psychological Assessment, 33, 60-70.